Feliz Navidad:Happy Holly Daze/Holy Days


First, I hope you all have had festive, merry, restful and wonderful holidays. Whatever you celebrate, I hope you did just that…celebrate. To the friends and family I haven’t been able to catch up with over the break….please know that I lurve you like play cousins. (Momma D, S, S, S & S, and B, I mean yall).

Second, I got my first ever meme tag. I’m supposed to divulge 6 (sicks) weird things about myself so that you can glean further insight as to my person and personality and have further reason to judge me without giving me a chance.

Oooh, But first:

I have been in my pajamas for 4 straight days, playing War of the Monsters on PS2 with my nephew. In between: Grad School applications, work, naps, work, calculating days until I hit the road, work. I’m stressed as Hell right now, but happy to be with my family. It is the first year in a loooong time that I’ve been here to celebrate all 7 days of Kwanzaa (or as I like to call it: Fun with Candles and Swahili!).

Speaking of my nephew, he’s 9 going on 50. He wears, get this…a plaid robe, old man slippers, glasses, and uses the phrase “oh but on the contrary”…and I caught him watching Judge Matthis on Friday! I will not be surprised when he walks around the corner with a pipe one day. Really, I won’t.

6 Weird Things:

1. I performed in a rap group for a talent show my freshman year of college. Yes, I know how that sounds, but it was hellla fun.

2. I really, really enjoy washing dishes. It relaxes me and I can zone out and think while doing it. I’ll generally eschew using a dishwasher and do them by hand. I also like to cook, which makes me a great catch for some deserving lovehound out there. BUT, I can’t stand to dry or empty the diswasher.

3. My favoritest snack in all the world is microwave popcorn and diet Pepsi. Yum!

4. I have known since I was about 10 years old that I didn’t actually want to HAVE kids.

5. About once a month I pull a work related all-nighter because it is quiet and I can get a lot done. This freaks people out then they get used to it.

6. I am allergic to raw apples. I think its the pesticides, but my throat gets white spots and itches like hell. Cooked apples…apple sauce, apple strudel, etc…bring it on.

And I do in fact like bacon more than you think! See you in the 007.

*pic courtesy of elemanotees.com

Countdown to Semester at Sea: 29 days

Endings, Beginnings, Starts & Finishes, pt. i


Okay, the last version of this entry was throwing off my layout.
Kudos and “Well Done!” to Karen (www.chookooloonks.com) and Megan (www.meganlyles.com). Two of the blogs that have added sunshine to my 2006. I am sad to see their blogs retire, but I know they are both working on other projects, so we’ll not be long without their talents. Karen’s photoblog is still as brilliant as ever, and Megan is doing a reading in NY, Jan 7, 2007. Check out their archives, you will wish you’d found them sooner.

I enjoyed the comments on the previous posting so I dragged them forward into one comment for this post.

Travel Personalities, pt. ii


The main thing I like about traveling is the people. That said I don’t necessarily like ALL of the people all of the time, but everybody’s got a story and I’m curious enough to want to hear it. The people that cause me to roll my eyes are not suffering personality flaws so much as they possess some unfortunate personal/physical/hygienic issue that I simply cannot overlook. Here are a few of the types of travelers that I try to keep an eye out for (continued from pt. i):

2. The Bump’n Grinders: Simply put these are the people that stand so close to you when you are in line that they can read your passport number through your pants. This is largely cultural in nature. Latin Americans and Spaniards have a lower threshold for personal space. They are very affectionate, touchy-feely, and culturally comfortable with people standing very close, touching them and even jumping/cutting lines. Uh, and I’m a Crazy.Black.Chick. with the emphasis on Crazy and Black, for this sidenote. Studies show that people of different cultures, races and sexes, tend to put more space between themselves when interacting, than when talking to someone of the same race, culture and gender. As an African American Female I like about 17 feet of clear space in all directions around me at all times, my Latin American amigos…not so much. My remedy is to go on the offense. I now try to see how many different people I can touch or jostle at a time. And if you’re cute…no, that wasn’t me that pinched your bum bum.

**Why I’m going to hell: for pinching people’s bum-bums!

So you tell us about some of the people you’ve met on the road!

To Be Continued…

Travel Personalities, pt. i


I’m probably going to HELL for this but…

The main thing I like about traveling is the people. That said I don’t necessarily like ALL of the people all of the time, but everybody’s got a story and I’m curious enough to want to hear it. The people that cause me to roll my eyes are not suffering personality flaws so much as they possess some unfortunate personal/physical/hygienic issue that I simply cannot overlook. Here are a few of the types of travelers that I try to keep an eye out for:

1. The Hackasaurus Rex: This is the person that sits next to or near you on a plane/train/bus that has some (probably contagious) unfortunate upper respiratory disease that causes them to hack non-stop from Albany to Zurich. Absent earphones or earplugs you will not get a moment of sleep because of their persistent cough. They have been coughing so long that they no longer bother (much) to cover their mouth, and you can feel their amoeba attacking your white blood cells before the plane hits the runway. This person is usually between 40 and 60 years old and NEVER has any ‘Tussin, Vicks or cough drops.

** Why I’m going to hell: I recently sat next to a Hackasaurus. She looked healthy and bright eyed when I sat down. 20 minutes later I realized my mistake. I offered her the half-eaten roll of cough drops from my daypack. She took ONE. I was like “oh Hell-to-the-naw, you can keep the whole roll” okay I was only thinking that. She takes the roll and says “they work a little, but not for long. I have lung cancer.” Yes, people I know. Bad Funchilde, I hopefully somewhat redeemed myself by sending up prayers and good vibes for her. We did giggle a bit about some things during the trip but I wanted so badly to reach out and touch her arm and just let her know I was there and I heard her and I was grateful for the health she did have. Unfortunately, we were laughing too much for me to inject that sentimental nonsense into the moment. My grandmother is a breast cancer survivor, I lost my ex father in-law (yeah I’m confused too) and my Aunt Gloria to cancer. I promise, next time I see one of those yellow Livestrong bracelets I’m all over it!

To Be Continued….

So, tell us about some of the whacky characters and charming people you’ve met on the road!